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Making the world better one Neighborhood at a time.

The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning, to create a product or service to make the world a better place." Guy Kawasaki, Entrepreneur, Investor, Author

Sustainability in ecology is the property of biological systems to remain diverse and productive indefinitely.


What if there was a way to motivate everyone in a neighborhood to create the ultimate self-sustainable Neighborhood Economic Ecology?


A sustainable economy would have to produce its income to use for operating, and not have to ask anyone for donations, and no one has ever designed one, until now.


Oh, I bet Buddy thinks this is not possible, but please follow me.

OBMG Neighborhoods use businesses and professionals as the engine that drives and sustains their Neighborhoods.


It is well known that business owners and professionals are hit on all the time for donations for one of the many worthy causes, and oh yes, they give.


What if they did not need to donate anything from their existing income, but instead pay a commission for additional sales to be used to make their neighborhoods better? 

By giving select businesses and professionals exclusivity with no upfront fees, in fact, no fees even unless OBMG produces, then only 10% cash broker fee and small monthly fees, they are more than glad to participate.


Oh, I know, how can OBMG neighborhoods do that? Now you really must follow me carefully.

OBMG Neighborhoods operates like a Bank Cooperative with members/accounts buying/selling with each other utilizing a complementary Currency, OBMG, as their medium of exchange. In the US, OBMG is complementary to the US dollar, in Mexico, the Mexican Peso, etc. It is not in competition with other currencies, but complementary to them. OBMG has an online banking system that maintains all records, processes the transactions, and where accounts can find other OBMG members that are accepting OBMG for their products and services, etc.


Because the business owners and professions that are members of OBMG Neighborhoods they have more money, OBMG, to spend and must spend it with other members of the OBMG Neighborhoods, making these businesses more successful, thus driving OBMG Neighborhoods. And, when they pay with their additional sales, OBMG, for some of their purchases, they save their cash, so they will also have more cash to spend and hire more people in their Neighborhood.


I know what  Buddy must be thinking; that works great for businesses and professionals, but what about other people in the neighborhoods?


The very root of the OBMG Neighborhoods is people.


You will probably be surprised that the only thing people get paid for is their time. What they do with their time determines how much they get paid. That is very important to understand because everyone has time, and everyone has a talent, a capability, or a professional skill. And with that realization comes the knowledge that everyone has something to sell, their time. This includes the unemployed and underemployed, seniors, retires, school and college students, etc., and the OBMG Neighborhoods businesses will utilize their talent, capability, or professional skill and time paying with OBMG.


It was pointed out above that business and professional members of OBMG Neighborhoods will have additional money, OBMG, and can easily use it to pay new hires all or part of their income for a short period or give their existing employees a raise with OBMG. Please check with your accountant, and if they need additional information, have then contact OBMG.


In this case, OBMG Neighborhoods have used the OBMG to move the unemployed to employed.


School & college students can earn money while introducing themselves to the business world.


There are no cash fees for the unemployed and school and college students.


OBMG Neighborhoods would be remiss if they did not realize and make it possible for school and college students to be a member of the OBMG Neighborhoods.


Students have talent, capability, or professional skills that are of great value but have a very limited way to turn their talent, capability, or professional skill into an income.


Student, can design websites, know social media, advertising, marketing, a computer tech, computer programmer, into communications, graphics arts, and so much more.


Members of the OBMG Neighborhoods are ready to pay them OBMG for those talent, capability, or professional skills.


That is because they can pay you with the OBMG, which they will receive when other OBMG members buy from them, which will always be additional income.


This may even turn into permanent employment should they wish.

Non-Profits and Charitable Organizations.


Neighborhoods offer non-profits and charitable organizations the same advantages they offer businesses and professionals; please see businesses and professionals above.


OK, if you are still with me, you must be thinking that sounds great, but you should also understand that none of the members of the OBMG Neighborhoods can purchase everything they need, paying with the additional OBMG income, so what about a way to earn cash?


Please be reminded Buddy that I said the OBMG Neighborhoods would be self-funding and sustainable? Up until now we have talked of how OBMG bring their members OBMG additional sales/income. But, one cannot live on OBMG alone, so OBMG also bring them additional cash sales/income. 


For any OBMG Member; a business owner, professional, individual, organization, school or college student or a non-profit, OBMG will set them up an OBMG Neighborhood for only $15.00 cash per month, and pay them 30% (sign up only) 70% (signup and broker) of the cash broker fees received from members they get to join their OBMG Neighborhood.


Since all organizations have members of some kind, all they need to do is to get their members to become a member of their OBMG Neighborhood and sit back and enjoy the additional cash income.


Cities, Counties, Schools, States, US Government & other taxing agencies.


In 1982, the United States Congress enacted the Tax, Equity, and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA). The OBMG neighborhoods operate under the provision of this Act. In the US, OBMG is normally taxable in the year it is earned and reported to the IRS just as bank interest and income.


Because OBMG is an additional income, all Taxing Agencies will have more money, and be able to offer more services.


OBMG income is taxable income just as cash income, but that does not mean that you will necessarily pay taxes on it. You have your taxable income, less all your expenses and deductions, and that is what you pay taxes on. Just as with your cash income, if you spend your OBMG on a business expense, then you deduct it as a business expense.  OBMG will report all OBMG income to the IRS at year’s end and furnish you this information on IRS Form 1099-B. As with any questions concerning taxes, you should check with your accountant.


The OBMG Neighborhood economy does not actually help people; it helps them to help themselves.


They believe in the Chinese Proverb; Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.


OBMG Self Sustainable Neighborhood Economic Ecology is part of OrangeBee Money Global “OBMG.”


Since 1989 OBMG has guaranteed additional sales/income for select businesses, professionals, and people in the USA and recently Worldwide.


OBMG operates as a Bank Cooperative with accounts buying/selling with each other utilizing a Complementary Currency, OBMG, as their medium of exchange, in the US OBMG is complementary to the US dollar, in Mexico, the Mexican Peso, etc. It is not in competition with other currencies, but complementary to them. OBMG’s A+ BBB Rating


There are no upfront fees of any kind, and no fees EVER, until the first purchase, then only a 10% cash broker fee on purchases, a $15.00 OBMG monthly administration fee (that is OBMG money, not cash), and in any month members total sales and purchases do not exceed $150.00, a $15.00 cash monthly administration fee.

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You want additional sales, income, money, correct? 

Since 1989 OBMG has guaranteed additional sales for select businesses, professionals, and people in the USA and recently WorldwideWe do not offer Leads, referrals, networking, or advise you on what you need to do; OBMG just deliveries additional sales. 

OBMG operates as a Bank Cooperative with accounts buying/selling with each other utilizing a Complementary Currency, OBMG, as their medium of exchange. In the US OBMG, is complementary to the U.S. dollar, in Mexico, the Mexican Peso, etc. It is not in competition with other currencies, but complementary to them. OBMG's A+ BBB Rating

There are no upfront fees of any kind. No fees EVER, until the first purchase, then only a 10% cash broker fee on purchases, a $15.00 OBMG monthly administration fee (that is OBMG money, not cash), and in any month, members total sales and purchases do not exceed $150.00, a $15.00 cash monthly administration fee. 

OrangeBee Money Global | P. O. Box 8679, Clearwater, FL 33758-8679 | Skype: buddyhooper in Clearwater